Jiayue Adult Wet Wipes: An Excellent Choice for Professional Care


In the modern busy life, personal care has become a growing focus. With increasing attention to health and hygiene, the global adult wet wipes market is experiencing significant growth. In this trend, Jiayue stands out with its high-quality products and professional services.

 Wet wipes

Market Analysis

By 2023, the global wet wipes market has reached $4.64 billion, and it is projected to climb to $8 billion by the end of 2033, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.6% from 2023 to 2033. The adult wet wipes market is expected to surpass $3.25 billion by 2030, with a CAGR of 5.50% from 2023 to 2030. The increasing awareness of hygiene, coupled with the growing demand for convenient products, is driving market growth. North America maintains a dominant position in the adult wet wipes market, followed by Europe. In recent years, Asia, Africa, and other regions have also witnessed a gradual rise in popularity, making it a rapidly growing industry that is currently widely welcomed.

 adult wet wipes


Product Analysis

Jiayue's recent production of Yibero adult wet wipes comes in a standard size of 80 sheets per pack, with dimensions of 300*200mm. Of course, we can customize and produce according to customer requirements—adult wet wipe sizes of 30*20 and 25*20cm are available, with the maximum size achievable being 35*30cm. It is recommended to have a weight of 50g or more to meet consumer needs. This wet wipe has ample moisture, suitable for sensitive skin, contains Natural Aloe, and is free from added fragrances and alcohol, making it more environmentally friendly, in line with the demands and high standards of the current younger generation. Biodegradable wet wipes—100% degradable adhesive—is currently a popular option. Since the release of Yibero wet wipes, many customers have inquired and placed orders. Now, with the Chinese lunar New Year approaching, customers in need of placing orders are encouraged to do so as soon as possible.

 baby wet wipes

Jiayue is a sanitary products supplier in Quanzhou, China. Our company standard and customized baby & adult & pet diaper, wet & dry wipes, underpad, and raw materials. Jiayue's quality is trustworthy. Contact us now!

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